Tribe owners kicking someone, or other tribal conflicts. Guild owners kicking someone, or other Guild conflicts. Afterwards lets destroy! Also, vaults are awesome. #DECAY TIMERS: It is the Siege Hammer Conan Exiles Dmg 1. Tribe owners kicking someone, or conflicts over ownership of tames. Conan Exiles does not support player lists. You don't need to burst other players down in PvE, after all. In addition to introducing more PvE and PvP servers (which are still in highest demand), we will be also be bringing up new and fresh Pv E Conflict servers. We're here to fix that, as we have listed some of the Building is one of the primary parts of Conan Exiles. It’s About how one clan on official PVE-C (and probably PVP or PVE servers) can reset full decay timer to another clan’s buildings/structures.